The Value of the Four Things in Our Intermediate Package

You get a lot of good stuff with our starter package – and we’ve talked about that in the past: for example, the capability of accepting online bids in real-time, automatic receipts, being able to add your auction items or select consignment items, etc.


But let’s talk about the add-ons in the intermediate package that help our event planners to put together the best silent auctions they can! Because for a lot of people, this is where the rubber meets the road. We want to be one of the top places to go for this kind of assistance and to give our people peace of mind as they move forward.


Intermediate Package: Unlimited Items and Bids


It’s easy to see how you would want this feature for a good silent auction. Being limited on the number of items gives your event a hard cap that, in some cases, doesn’t work out for people. You want to get the most out of the one event you’re planning at the time so that you don’t have to go back to the drawing board and do it repeatedly!


Free Domain Registration


It’s also key to have a domain registration for your silent auction. This piece of Internet real estate is critical for any of these types of setups, and getting one for free helps with the value of what you’re putting together.


Customized Top Banner


With the intermediate package, our graphic design team will go to work for you, creating a banner that fits your theme and style.


This gives you a visual element and a digital interaction that you can use to build engagement and participation in your event. It’s not just a bargain-basement kind of feature, either. We put work into offering these specially curated resources for event planners to use!


Credit Card Processing


In these days of convenient payment facilitators, people want options. We’ve heard about that quite a bit from people trying to put these events together. So by offering that in the intermediate package, we’re helping you to get what you need as a one-stop shop for putting on your event.


That’s a little bit about what you can expect with the intermediate package for our silent auction service. Take a look at some of the existing websites for style and format tips. You can also get more information on the blog about everything that goes into your event and how people have done these in the past. 

That’s a big resource for people who are looking to get involved for the first time and build something positive. There’s simply a lot to do when you are in charge, and you wear a lot of hats! We get that – and we want to help. Take a look and be in touch.